Kode emotion payudara

Kode-kodean untuk chatting atau sekedar banyol tentang payudara, Berikut adalah tipe-tipe payudara yang diwakili oleh emoticon....

1. (o)(o) = perfect breasts (paling sempurna)
2. ( + )( + ) = fake silicone breasts (silikon)
3. (*)(*) = high nipple breasts (puting keatas)
4. (@)(@) = big nipple breasts (puting besar)
5. o o = a cups (masih abg)

6. { O }{ O } = d cups ("D" size)
7. (oYo) = wonder bra breasts (push up bra)
8. ( ^)( ^) = cold breasts (lagi kedinginan)
9. (o)(O) = lopsided breasts (puting gede sebelah)
10. (Q)(Q) = pierced breasts (tindik)
11. (p)(p) = breasts w/hanging tassels

12. (o: )(o) = bitten by a vampire breasts (abis digigit vampir)
13. \o/\o/ = Grandma’s breasts (nenek2)
14. ( – )( – ) = flat against the shower door breasts (puting masuk kedalem)

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